Friday, May 25, 2012

what is ISLAM?


"ISLAM is the way of life"

"everything that follow its fitrah is ISLAM"

"ISLAM ialah agama, deen dan millah. ISLAM ialah rangka sebenar penghidupan kita di dunia ini"

"ISLAM is a complete as it covers all parts in life emotionally and physically"

"boleh jadi berlari itu ISLAM, tidur itu ISLAM, makan itu ISLAM, berkahwin itu ISLAM, solat itu ISLAM dan berfacebook itu ISLAM" 

"answers three question..where did we come from..why are we here..where are we going"

"bergantung pada yang bertanya..i'll try to give any answer that will trigger the interest of a person about ISLAM"

"ISLAM is a way of life..the way how i treat my parents..the how i treat my food..the way how i should feel towards animals"

"amazing how i could see everything brings good outcomes, hapiness, peace when everything is done following ISLAM practise"

"ISLAM itu tunduk patuh kat tuhan yang cipta semua bende termasuk aku, ko & semua bende yang kita dapat lihat & semua bende yg kita x dapat lihat"

"agamaku..maksudnya selamat"

"ISLAM came to protect this world be it us humans, animals, plants, the oceans and rivers"


ISLAM is my deen & it's all about every single things that around me!*senyum*

p/s : ALLAH..sesungguhnya..solatku, ibadahku, kehidupanku & matiku hanyalah untukMU~

Thursday, May 24, 2012

terlalu banyak bende nk cite!

assalamualaikum ^^

rase mcm dah bertahun xupdate belog..naik bersawang da..hehe..

ok..kite mule 1 by 1 eh..


selepas habis final exam 14/4 lalu..kami (i mean sy & kwn2 seclasss) di beri 2 option..wheather nk praktikal or buat mini thesis..sah2 la sy nk praktikal..kalo nk buat mini thesis..sampai ke sudah..

sy praktikal kt MRSHL (sila terjemahkan sendiri)..

byk sgt bende yg sy blajar kt the most is..PENAT kot..gile ah..berdiri dr pg ke ptg..ok pnt fizikal boleh consider lagi..mslh penat bercakap..penat tenangkan org..penat asek ulang bende yg same setiap yg paling dapat byk BELAJAR..i mean BANYAK..walaupon hanye sebulan..

seriuz..b4 diz dok opis asek prepare doc je kan..xnmpk sgt the last dah clear..bagus jugak ade praktikal nih..

kalo nk cite detail pasa all-about-praktikal memang tak la..for sure panjang berjela kot..

by then..nk share sikit gambar kenang-kenangan with all of THEM!

spot ME!:)


alhamdulillah finally i made it..selesai menamatkan pengajian sy selama setahun setengah di USIM..

doakan sy lulus cemerlang & grad tahun ni..iAllah..

p/s : mahu sambung study lagi..bole?xpuas dgn ilmu ALLAH :)


as usual..after habis praktikal..back on the track..keje mcm biase..jadi pen***** di opis..hehehe..and one more pon xtaw la ape mslh sy nih..jenis xbole dok diam..ade je xtvt nk men-join-kan diri..

weekdays-opis hour : KEJE
weekdays-malam NGAJAR (part time)
weekend-charity programme
once a month-DAURAH
one night a week : BULATAN GEMBIRA..yeay!

what a beautiful life i have..ALHAMDULILLAH..

tQ ALLAH..atas nikmat ini!


life must go on..whatever happens..nothing can't make me down..unless dgn izinNYA..

sesusah mane pun hidup..seperit mane pon dugaan..hidup mesti diteruskan..

hidup ini ibarat roda..kadang kita di atas..kadang kite di bawah..whatever happen..just remember..ALLAH alwiz by ur side..HE the only that never leave u alone!put ur trust in HIM :) 


last 2-3 weeks sy ade join charity programme named WASH & ABOUT!

it's fun..nak2 pulak sy ditemukan semula dgn adik2 at-taqwa sy..waaahhh..tetibe terharu biru tersipu malu..rindu dieorg..hampir setengah tahun xjmpe mcm2 perubahan da sy tengok kt adik2 tuh..

WASH&ABOUT s a programme that was held at bandar seri putra..this event is  callobaration TP (which mean TELEKUNG PROJECT) with Seri's Spa!

SERI's SPA is my fav spa that i used to lepak-ing..xtaw plak k.seri suke join dah la suke dgn bende2 alah ni..bagai orang lapa di sorongkan nasi sekawah

event ni more to introduce kt bebudak comel ni (adik2 at-taqwa sy) how to jaga kebersihan diri..sbb k.seri bukak spa kan..for sure the programme s about samething yg related with it..xkan nk buat programme memotong rumput plak..=='
oleh itu sy dengan suke hatinye ingin berkongsi one of gambar yg sempat sy snap2 (ade banyak mls nk letak semua..boring plak org..asek pose dak)

part of THEM!

oke..eerrrmm..ape lg nk cite eh..cukup sampai sini dulu..kang kalo ade cite best2 lagi sy story mory eh..

ok..daa..TC u olls!^^


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