her name is nur fathiah bt marzuki..21 jun 1986 is her fav0urite date..i know that dear..the oldest from 4..lovely daughter of en. marzuki & pn. zubaidah..sy kenal die mase umor 8 tahun ( i guess) mase same2 mengenal huruf & angka di s.r.k c0nvent teluk intan..awalnye sy xla rapat sgt dgn minah s0rang nih..besa2 jer..hehehe..then kalo xsalah start kwn mase umo 10 tahun..(betol ke thia?lupe..hehehe~)
fren4eva! |
then yg ini sy memang pasti..mase sy umo 11 tahun..class 5 kuning..mmg ktorg kwn..then bec0me closer and closer each day..we join nasyid 2 gether..she is lead v0cal ok..so kirenye die mmg ade bakat terpendam & terperam jd penyayi..hehehehe..s0 the st0ry begin like this..
mase standard 6 we bec0me much2x m0re closer..alwiz g0ssiping 2gether..share anything in our mind 2gether & such..but..the happy m0ment we create din l0ng 4eva..i nid 2 futher my study at smart mai..but she will c0ntinue her study at s.m.c0nvent..sedey sgt2 time nih..rase mcm xbole terime kenyataan..:(
s0..we move on with our new life..tryg 2 live witout each other..mase tu xade lagi kecanggihan teknologi..n0 sms..so kalo sy cuti..then i'll meet her at scholl..sbb sekola sy cuti hari jumaat & sabtu..then sure bole jmpe die on friday kan..:)
lepas habis spm..dia smbg study kt uitm..amik law..me?as i told b4 in my previous entri..stpm..then college..yg bestnye..we r in same field..law..hahaha..such a coincedence..:)
then bile masing2 dah ade kecanggihan tecnology..baru la terhegeh2 nk sms-ing..mms-ing..call-ing..hahaha..then we set up a date..& finally we meet!yeay..kalo xsalah sy we all start meet up last year..kan thia kan..syiok giler..n0w masing2 da ade own life..s0 after this we plan 2 spend m0re time 2gether..tp skung susah nk date dgn minah nih..maklumlah..da officially adv0cate & solicitors..waaahhh~cemburunye sy..haih..bile la my turn..:)
poem 4 mybff~thia..(i amik dr google..but i mean it!) |
4 thia..tQ 4 alwiz being there..tQ 4 every happy moment we share..tQ 4 everything dear..l0ve ya..x0x0~
mybff~x0x0 p/s : da kawen jgn lupe sy k..freneverend! |
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